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Celebrating and Supporting Non-League Football

26 Apr 2024

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1000GBP.com is all about the grassroots of the beautiful game. As the season comes to a close, we wanted to reflect on The Ultimate Football Quiz's job so far in uplifting and empowering local community institutions. 

Whether it was our partnership with the Non-League Paper, highlighting a different non-league club each week, or the over £80,000 won by non-league clubs and non-league fans since launching, 1000GBP.com is at the forefront of engaging non-league fans with their clubs and financially supporting them. 

With every prize split equally between the winning player and their club, and a percentage of every question bought donated to the user's nominated club, every time you play The Ultimate Football Quiz, you are benefitting your club. 

So thank you to everybody who has played this season, and do stick around, as there is plenty more coming your way! 

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