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1000GBP.com at National Game Awards

22 May 2024

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On Wednesday 22nd May 2024, we were delighted to be at the National Game Awards hosted by The Non-League Paper. The event, hosted at The Cherry Red Records Stadium, the home of AFC Wimbledon, was a great celebration of some of the best that non-league has to offer. This included awards for team, manager, goal and away day of the season, as well as the 1000GBP.com Player of the Season Award which we were proud to present. 

The day was a triumph for non-league football and local communities, something that we are extremely passionate about. With all of our cash prizes split evenly between the winning player and their nominated non-league club, and up to 30% of the cost of all question packs going directly to your club, every time you play 1000GBP.com you are supporting your local club and grassroots football. 

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